If you fancy a spot of tree-hugging or just a wonderful walk: you can't go wrong with a visit to Batsford Arboretum. Have fond memories of Granny Fat Paws taking us there with two mad spaniels called Kay and Sally and try to visit with the greys whenever we can.
Sorry about that trip down memory lane! Soft browns, dusky pink and gold - very autumnal and very classy.
Martingale (reduced loop) collar:
Jacquard embroidered trim with gold, chocolate, and pink stitching on a warm brown background and lined with a gold satin. The 25mm (1") deep control loop is made from tough, high quality chocolate webbing.
Nickel-plated metalware and the D-ring is welded.
Note: due to the quite delicate threads of jacquard trims this collar is not recommended for dogs who are committed scratchers.
Size available: Standard (36cm/14" to 51cm/20") Best fit (What's this?) 11" to 17"