Carole lost Lady Eka in late 2017.
Eka had a charmed life with Carole and couldn't have been more loved and cherished.
We'll never forget you beautiful girl.
Meet Eka AKA Lady Eka AKA "The Baggage"
Lady Eka lived with her human slave (sorry - her Mum) Carole and was adopted from the RSPCA
She's had gone from a hard racing life to luxury, love and lots of pampering. Please note the velvet plush cushions - only the best for Lady Eka!
Eka wasn't just a pretty face, she's was full of character and has bags of personality (maybe that's why Carole refers to her sometimes as the baggage?).
We thought that any collar would have looked great on Lady Eka, but the more exotic, including the Indian, Japanese and oriental prints and mystical Celtic patterns looked really good on her.